Feeding the birds
This time she also got to feed the goats. They practically crawled through the slots when they saw the food.
Biggest grasshopper you have ever seen!
It was nice and hot and she loved playing in the water. She didn't want to go see any other animals after this she just wanted to stay and play.
Feeding the giraffe. After she fed it we were standing there watching it and it tried licking Mya. Giraffe's tongues are REALLY! long. She didn't appreciate it.
Mya decided to use her shoe for a shovel. She is rinsing it off in this picture and then put it on her sandy feet. She doesn't like the sand in her shoes but hasn't quite figured out that if you put sandy feet in your shoes your shoes will get sandy.
Trying to get the sand out.
I was so tired and wanted to take a nap so I put a movie in the laptop and put Mya in her pack and play with some raisins and crackers. She loved it and stayed out of trouble and I took a nap.
I love the picture of you guys feeding the giraffe! She is so brave
I remember being so tired when I was pregnant with Justus. I took advantage every afternoon when Ethan took his nap to lay down. I'm just saying that I hope you find MANY more days to take naps because you know sleep only gets less important once that BOY joins your family :)
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