Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Will you be my friend?

At 5:00A.M. Mya woke up asking for pancakes and milk (she must have remembered that it is pancake Wed at Grandma B's house). I told her when the sun woke up she could get up and went back to bed. For about the next 1/2 hour this is what we heard (it is the I can be your friend song from Veggie tales...she is saying I can be your friend lalala) she usually adds the line about sharing her jello but even her mind must not have been fully awake that early:) She never did fall back to sleep...hopefully that means a nice long nap!


The van Rensburgs said...

That is hilarious! nice singing Mya:) Take a good nap for your mommy today (not like your cousin:)

Uncle Stefan said...

wait, what exactly is she saying? lol

The Spors said...

at one point it sounded like she was saying 'I can be orphaned' better watch out!