Monday, July 21, 2008


Happy 4th of July!

Mommies and babies.

Playing at the park with Grandpa, Grandma and Raquel

Open gym at Lafluers...future gymnast maybe?

The weekend of the 11th we went up to the Iola car show. Trevor and Erin brought their new puppy up. Elly and Mya had fun playing together.

Pancake breakfast.

PLEASE daddy!! I'll give you my cutest smile.

Derek and dad colleting garbage. This was one of the more fun bags of garbage and they really liked all the help the lady behind them was giving.

Mya wanted to be the bat girl at Derek's softball game.

1 comment:

imbrownie said...

3 mommies with 3 babies. I love that picture. I miss you all.