Tuesday, December 18, 2007

D Day has come again... this time at the Stock house

Derek here, I am definitely not a good writer, but I believe that this story should come first hand. Now I guess to some people such as my wife this is not that big of deal, and yes it could have been worse. But this is the first time I have ever experienced something like this.

Soooo this evening was Kristen's Bible study and when I normally have some quality time with Mya, the night went off without a hitch, pretty much the whole night. Until I tried giving her bottle. Cutting right to the chase she was crabby so the time came..... to change the diaper. And low and behold the gift she left for daddy. If you notice the inside of the diaper is perfectly clean!!!

But she made up for it looking all cute in the tub. So thats my story, I'm proud to be a D day survivor.

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