Monday, October 8, 2007

Fun times

Mya, and I joined Aunt Elise and Grandma on a field trip to pick apples. We got to ride on a hayride and climb the ladders. We didn't have enough boxes so we filled Mya's stroller with apples.

Mommy turned 24 on the 4th. We had a fun time with everyone.

The leaves are falling so we raked a pile and had a fun afternoon of playing in them!

Elijah is 2! We sang happy birthday and had a brownie in his honor.

Elijah wanted to make sure Mya wasn't bored on the car ride!!

Daddy started a volleyball team and I like going and watching him play.

It was raining out so we made some jello jigglers with all kinds of shapes. Elijah didn't like them so he had cheetos. Isaac enjoyed Elijah's as well as his!


Anonymous said...

so much cuteness!!

Anonymous said...

issac and eligha and mya were so realy realy quit love aunt elise.

Anonymous said...

Wait, I didn't see these pictures until today. Am I blind? Maybe. Anyways, Mya is getting so big. She looks so pretty! Isaac and Elijah are adorable. We miss everyone so much. Can't wait until Thanksgiving.